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January 2024

Four Principles for Perpetuity of Family Enterprises

In "Perpetuating the Family Business," John L. Ward introduces the concept of the 4 P's, fundamental principles embraced by the world's most successful business families. These principles, termed "The Four P's," serve as a crucial framework for achieving continuity in family businesses. Addressing the inherent conflict between family needs for strength and the business's requirements for growth, the Four P's provide a foundation to navigate this dilemma. Recognizing the inevitable contradictions between family and business, successful business families leverage the Four P's to mitigate potential friction and ensure the harmonious coexistence of both entities.

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December 2023

The Enduring 350+ years Legacy of Hoare's Banking Dynasty

C. Hoare & Co., a venerable institution tracing its roots to 1672, stands as the world's oldest family-owned and run bank. Over 350 years, the bank navigated plagues, wars, and financial crises, evolving from a goldsmith's shop into a resilient financial institution. This case study delves into pivotal moments spanning over three centuries, showcasing the resilience, adaptability, and enduring values that characterize the Hoare's banking dynasty.

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November 2023

Family Employment Policy

When the Business grows at a rapid pace and the size of the family begins to increase, ambiguity on family employment matters can become a source of potential conflict. Therefore, arriving at a comprehensive Family Employment Policy (FEP) is important to ensure harmony and nurture family talent for the business.

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October 2023

AMARELLI - More than 290 years old Family Business in Perpetuity

Amarelli is among the few family-owned businesses that has demonstrated resilience, longevity and sustained growth during the long tenure of its 13 generational transitions in family. The Amarelli family's history of licorice production dates back to the early 11th century. Their enduring fascination with this remarkable plant, scientifically known as "glycyrrhiza glabra" (referred as "licorice" or "sweet root,") led to a breakthrough in 1731 when they established a "concio" - one of the earliest pre-industrial organizations aimed at extracting the beneficial juices of licorice. Cultures around the world have used licorice, a sweet-tasting root native to Eurasia, for centuries for culinary, medicinal, and industrial purposes.

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September 2023

Experiencing succession in PEACE

The authors highlight five fundamental principles of a successful generational handover, which allow robust businesses to thrive and struggling ones to regain momentum. These principles, collectively known as PEACE, are Planning, Equity, and Access to external figures, Co-presence, and Emotional Readiness.

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August 2023

Navigating Legacy Preservation in the Digital Era - (Part B)

Digital transformation is not just about automation and digitization. It is also about innovation and customer experience.

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July 2023

Navigating Legacy Preservation in the Digital Era - (Part A)

The idea of generational change from one to the next is not a single moment.

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June 2023

Frequently Asked Questions about Family Offices - PART B (Continued)

By providing concierge services that help with the day-to-day needs of the family, such as travel arrangements, event planning, and household management..

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May 2023

Frequently Asked Questions about Family Offices - PART A

Wealthy families have complex financial needs that require specialized expertise. A family office provides personalized and comprehensive financial solutions that address the unique needs of each family member...

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April 2023

Insights On Cross Generational Communication Source: Center For Family Legacy (Truist Wealth)

Communication is an essential ingredient for sustaining wealth across generations...

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March 2023

How A Family Expresses Its Values May Affect The Fate Of Its Business

The article authored by Dennis T. Jaffe explains the role of family values..

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February 2023

Family Philanthropy

The central purpose of a focused family philanthropic fund/initiative is to reinforce the family’s values...

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January 2023

Can Equality Always Mean “Fairness”? - A Family Business Perspective

The question of what is fair has perplexed many family business owners, and their search for fairness...

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December 2022

Resilience In Next Generation (Part II)

For NxG members who are raised in a wealthy entrepreneurial family, the benchmark for success...

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November 2022

Resilience In Next Generation (Part I)

Developing the Next Generation (NxG) members into competent and empowered “leaders of tomorrow”...

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October 2022

Important Documents For Family Owned Enterprises

Essential documents that help families define, structure and sustain success across generations...

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September 2022

Social Media For Business Families

Active participation in social media can serve as a powerful tool to build personal brand for leaders and members of entrepreneurial families. Many founders, start-up entrepreneurs and C-Suite leaders have adopted successful social media strategies to build a powerful personal brand. It is an effective strategy to enhance the brand identity of the organization with which the person is associated.

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August 2022

Beretta Five Hundred Years Old Family Business

Beretta is an Italian firearm manufacturer that was founded by Bartolomeo Beretta in the 16th century...

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July 2022

The Three Pitfalls of

This case study is based on a real family business. However, the name and major details...

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June 2022

The Heart Of Enriching Relationships: Communication Skills

Good communication doesn’t eliminate conflict, but it does help you manage..

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May 2022

The "Learning Family Model" For Multigenerational Family Firms

As the business family and the business simultaneously grow and mature, the family enterprise is constantly challenged by new tasks and issues. The growing family business needs to become a “learning organisation”

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April 2022

Family Business Policies

Businesses create policies to ensure consistency, fairness and consistency in decision-making..

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March 2022

Understanding Entitlement In Family Business

In family run companies, "Entitlement" often refers to a sense of being "owed" such benefits..

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February 2022

Transforming From A Family Business To A Business Family: De Agostini Group

A large Italian firm, De Agostini Group evolved successfully from its traditional cartography..

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January 2022

ABCDs Of The Family Business Board (FBB)

Governance in the "Business" includes all the practices, processes and policies..

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December 2021

Family Council In Family Business

A Family Council is an important decision-making forum that helps enterprising families..

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November 2021

Family Governance In Enterprising Families The Role Of Family Assemblies & Retreats

Successful, multi-generational family businesses are known to pay considerable attention..

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October 2021


In a letter dated 1927, Aram Zildjian (Aram), from Constantinople, wrote to his nephew Avedis III..

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September 2021

Carvajal Family Business – One Of The 100-Year-Old Successful Family Companies In The World

Carvajal, one of the oldest family business from Columbia, is 115 years old..

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August 2021

The Genogram - A Tool To Understand Family Relationships

Harmonious, cohesive family relationships result in "familiness" or unique "family capital"...

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July 2021

The Nature Of Family Ties In Family Business

Family structure determines the ways in which family members interact and relate to one another. ...

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June 2021

Houshi Ryokan – One of the World’s Oldest Family Run Hotels

The Houshi Ryokan (a traditional Japanese inn) can trace its history back to an astonishing period of 1,300 years...

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May 2021

Governance in Family Business

Managing family business involves managing both - the family and the business. The CEO of a non-family business has to manage sales...

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April 2021

Navigating Ownership in Family Business

When decisions in family business revolve around financing the business and the "family capital" as investments, it raises...

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March 2021

Transformative Power of Women - A differentiator for Family Business

Women have traditionally played a somewhat 'invisible' role in their family businesses, working behind the scenes in administrative duties...

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February 2021

Professionalization of Family Business

When we hear about "professionalization" of the Family Business, does it mean "changing from family management of a business...

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January 2021

Stewardship for Long Lasting Family Firms

Families that have been successful in maintaining their legacy and wealth over time, have done so by instilling a sense of stewardship...

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December 2020

Strategic Resources of High Performing Family Enterprises

There are multiple studies and findings which demonstrate that family firms enjoy better competitive advantage...

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November 2020

Why Perpetuity of Family Business Matters?

A majoriy of domestic companies in India -big or small- are run or controlled by a family, Family-run enterprises play a significant role...

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